Make Meetings Meaningful ... Build Community!

About The Founder

Angelo John Lewis is a coach and consultant whose work emphasizes challenge, creativity and discovery.

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How To

Ideally, before engaging in dialogue, groups should learn basic dialogue principles and decide upon ground rules specific to their situation.

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Dialogue's Uses

Here you can view some sample issues and conflicts that have been explored through dialogue as well as a link to formal interventions in which dialogue might be integrated

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Here are just a few of the ways in which people have been enriched by using these methods;

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Organizations that have used Dialogue Circles



Dialogue at the MixedRemixed Festival

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I recently organized a team of facilitators to facilitate dialogue circles at the annual MixedRemixed Festival held at the Japanese American National Museum in Los Angeles. The festival celebrates the mixed race experience.... READ MORE

Why I don’t argue politics on Facebook

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  The last time we went through a Presidential election season, I  posted something that revealed a particular political point of view on Facebook. Big mistake. First one point, then another counterpoint. Then another person... READ MORE